Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"My First Day"

Writing a blog has been something i've wanted to do for a while but I never really felt as if I had a good idea for one. It's crossed my mind every now and then for a few years but seemed to be popping up more and more often from seeing Julie & Julia last summer to reading my friend Matt Shafeek's blog (formerly about his year off from video games, now about his life with the return of them, great read) the past few months. Still not knowing exactly where to begin I started to put more thought into it.

What would Tyler Durden do?

He'd probably give you a chemical burn using lye and then say something really clever like "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything," but you make do with what you can get away with. Essentially I want to do the same thing and help people realize that they aren't as limited as they think, and that even a small change can make the day exciting again. I've never been very good at solving my own problems or cheering myself up but i've noticed I seem to do a pretty good job at helping others with their problems or cheering them up, so I figured what better way to do that then to write a blog. That was when I finally realized I had been sitting on a good idea for a blog all these years and just never realized it, laughter and complete randomness.

The past few months i've been trying to change the way i've been living my life by being more open, trying new things, and overall not being such an ass. I said to myself "Self, how can I talk about the changes and new things i'm trying in my life, get people to broaden their own horizons and at the same time help them realize that even when things aren't going the way they planned they should focus on the positives, something I personally fail at?" Am I going to do so with the cunning use of flags? No! I'm going to give you things to do and try with the cunning use of lists and articles and self-deprecation in the only way I know how; crude, sarcastic, and with a soupcon of humor.

I promise not to burn your hand.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love the Eddie Izzard referance!!

